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About Us

Hi, I'm Denise Stinson, a mom and full-time blogger.

I write about lifestyle and living life and covering life aspects and issues. This blog is a broad-based subject site where I talk about anything and everything and publish what I've discovered and have learned throughout the years of my life.

I aim to make my posts easy to read and informative. Maybe they might even inspire you, so why not have a look.


How To Grow Plants From Seed At Home

If you ever wanted to learn how to grow plants from seed, then check out this section of the website.

You might want to grow plants from seed for a hobby or you might want to consider going a bit bigger and start growing plants from seed for a commercial aspect. There is big money to be made in plants and growing from seed is one of the cheapest ways to make money from plants.

Have a look, get inspired and see where it leads.


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Best Plants for Indoor Vertical Gardening

Best Plants for Indoor Vertical Gardening: A Beginner’s List

Indoor vertical gardening has become a game-changer for plant enthusiasts and urban dwellers alike. By growing upwards instead of outwards, vertical gardens maximize limited space while enhancing your home with greenery and style. However, success starts with choosing the right plants. Certain varieties thrive better in indoor vertical gardening setups, requiring minimal maintenance while still providing beauty, utility, and health benefits. In this guide, ...
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Vertical Hydroponic Systems

Vertical Hydroponic Systems for Beginners: A Complete Guide

Introduction to Vertical Hydroponic Systems for Beginners Hydroponics is changing the way people grow food. At its core, it’s a method of growing plants without soil, using a nutrient-rich solution to feed plants directly through their roots. Vertical hydroponic systems take this concept a step further, stacking plants in a vertical arrangement to save space and maximize yield. A Vertical Hydroponic Garden is an ...
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Hydroponic Farming

Sustainable Practices in Hydroponic Farming Explained

1. Introduction What is Hydroponics? Hydroponics is an advanced method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions instead. By providing precise control over growth conditions, hydroponic farming enables plants to flourish in minimal space, often leading to higher yields compared to traditional farming. These systems come in various forms, including Deep Water Culture (DWC), Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), and Drip Systems, each ...
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How to Cut Grass Like a Pro Using Incredible Lawn Mowing Patterns

How to Cut Grass Like a Pro Using Incredible Lawn Mowing Patterns

Mowing the lawn is more than just a weekend chore. When executed with precision and expertise, it can transform an ordinary garden into a lush, visually pleasing haven. If you've ever gazed upon a golf course or sports field and marveled at the intricate patterns and sheer perfection of the grass, you've witnessed the art of Cut Grass Like a Pro ...
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8 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Roofing Contractor

8 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Roofing Contractor

Anyone needing roofing work should get the services of a professional by searching roofing contractor in my area on Google, and the results will show the number of contractors in the area. Top Advantages of Hiring an Experienced Roofing Contractor Hiring professionals for your roofing needs always have different advantages, and we have listed the most important benefits below. Compliance with specific building codes Every state and city has ...
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How to Relieve Chronic Pelvic Pain with Physiotherapy

How to Relieve Chronic Pelvic Pain with Physiotherapy

This can be detected through what is known as MRI for pelvis, a specialized study for the whole pelvis area which can reveal important details on possible problems in your pelvis. Physiotherapy to relieve chronic pelvic pain Physiotherapy tips to manage pelvic floor muscle tension and relieve chronic pelvic pain If you are reading this article and you think you might have chronic pelvic pain (CPP), the first thing ...
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Acupuncture: How Does It Work and Why Is It Beneficial for Health

Acupuncture: How Does It Work and Why Is It Beneficial for Health

Benefits of Acupuncture The benefits provided by this method are multiple, and one of them is that you can reduce stress with acupuncture, and that’s because it has a great capacity to raise vital energy, strengthen the immune system, promote blood circulation, balance energy and improve a high percentage of general health. Its effectiveness is due to the release of neurotransmitter substances that originate at the level of the ...
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All You Need to Know About Culture of Barbados

All You Need to Know About Culture of Barbados

“Rogues in Paradise, the Real Story of Barbados” is a book that tells us who is a rogue and what they have done for their country. There are many books written which tells the story of unsung heroes of Barbados. They were called rogue of Barbados. Although Barbados has a long oral storytelling tradition, written literature by Barbadians received its first real debut in the 1940s and 1950s in ...
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How To Reduce Stress By Worrying For Just 15 Minutes A Day

How To Reduce Stress By Worrying For Just 15 Minutes A Day

Entrepreneurs often worry about the long hours they work alone, how difficult it is to succeed, and all of the other demands that come with running a business. No matter how big or small your worries are, you can find a way to be calm and spend 15-20 minutes worrying each day. These tips will help you to spend a few moments a day worrying rather than being ...
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7 Habits Of Lucky People

7 Habits Of Lucky People

Luck is not something that can be nurtured and developed. You are either lucky or not! People blessed with luck often have a variety of traits. Although it isn't known whether these traits are due to luck, or if luck is a result of their choices and behaviors, it is worth adding these activities to your daily routine to see the results. 1. They are proactive in achieving ...
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5 Habits Of Mentally Strong People To Maintain Control Over Their Lives

5 Habits Of Mentally Strong People To Maintain Control Over Their Lives

There are few things that are more unpleasant in life than feeling out of control. We desire autonomy and not being controlled by others at work. Because we want to be in control, we hate change and prefer predictability (almost all the time). We don't feel good if we feel like we can't control the world. You can however change this by working to improve your control. People ...
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7 Phrases That Confident People Use All The Time

7 Phrases That Confident People Use All The Time

Everybody wants to be secure. There is a huge difference between being confident and actually being secure. True confidence comes from within. It is possible to feel it in others, as well as within ourselves. It communicates through our actions, how we speak and how we act. These 7 phrases are used by confident people all the time. 1. I don't know People who don't feel confident about ...
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5 Practical Steps To Reduce Cellulite

5 Practical Steps To Reduce Cellulite

Reducing cellulite is popular topic for a lot of woman around the world. But how you reduce or eliminate it is often a mystery? You should be aware, that it is not a simple easy process. However, it is possible! Curious? Check out the post below: - When those dimples appear on your legs and thighs, it means you have a build up of cellulite. But before figuring ...
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Organic Silicon What Is It For And How Do You Use It

Organic Silicon What Is It For And How Do You Use It

Organic silicon is a fabulous essential mineral for the body. In this post, you learn how to use organic silicon. Organic silicon is an essential mineral for the human body. This mineral and can be absorbed through fruits, vegetables and cereals. In addition, it is possible to obtain the supplementation of the mineral through capsules or powder. Silicon contributes to the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid ...
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Six Seeds